We are data scientists, analysts, and engineers. Leaders, creators, and explorers. Collaborators, innovators, and problem solvers.

The University of Virginia School of Data Science—the first of its kind in the nation—is guided by common goals: to further discovery, share knowledge, and make a positive impact on society through collaborative, open, and responsible data science research and education. Founded in fall 2019 through the largest gift in UVA history, the School positions the university and our community to play a national and international leadership role in the global digital future.

01. Work Together

Data science provides an unprecedented opportunity to quantify our world and understand how to build a better one—and we know we can’t do it alone.

Learn how we are building a school without walls.

02. Lead by Example

From the projects we choose to investigate, to the questions we ask ourselves as we collect and analyze datasets, to how we teach and train our students to do the same—it is our mission to ensure that the incredible power and possibilities of data science are used responsibly to make a positive impact on our world. 

Learn how we are modeling and instructing the practice of responsible, ethical data science in everything we do.

03. Be Good and Great

There is an ever-increasing amount of data in the world—90% of it has been created in the last two years. With all of this data, there is an unprecedented opportunity to use the best minds in data science to transform our world. Our mission is to transform it for the better.

Learn how our researchers and students are transforming health care, our environment, infrastructure, public policy, the criminal justice system, and more.

04. Share Knowledge

We are leading a movement to drive discovery and innovation across geographic, temporal, and commercial boundaries. Whether in our hiring and promotion guidelines, open data and publication policies, or infrastructure and materials, we’re building a School based in a culture of transparency and open access to knowledge.

Learn how we are creating an ecosystem of open, shared knowledge.

05. Build Leaders and Pioneers

By working with experts in diverse domains, applying data science to real-world issues, and learning both the practical application of data science and the principles behind it, our students are poised to become leaders and pioneers in the field. They learn the foundation of data science and its application across industries—not just a suite of tools that will quickly become outdated.

Learn how our academic programs create leaders who apply data science in a variety of industries and organizations.

06. Pursue Quality, not Quantity

We know you can’t be an expert in everything, which is why we focus on interdisciplinary research in key areas that further knowledge and make a positive impact on our communities. Health, the environment, education, democracy and policy, smart cities, and ethics and justice—these are some of the areas our researchers are applying data science to solve societal problems.

Learn how our researchers are driving discovery in high impact areas.