Support the School of Data Science

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Our University of Virginia family and the world already face unprecedented challenges related to COVID-19. At the same time, our community faces increasing disunity around issues of race, inequality, and social injustice. The School of Data Science is the first of its kind in the nation, yet it has already convened the best and brightest in data science—a flourishing field that intersects all aspects of society, including epidemiology, healthcare, economics, public policy, among others. 

The School of Data Science has been identified as a key initiative in the 2030 Plan, and the four strategic goals of the plan fall squarely within our focus and areas of impact:

  • Strengthen Our Foundation
  • Cultivate the Most Vibrante Community in Higher Education
  • Enable Discoveries That Enrich and Improve Lives
  • Make UVA Synonymous with Service

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